Taken while documenting the aftermath of the Nepal earthquake for Doctors of the World.
We have taken 30 years of award-winning brand marketing and creative expertise and have brought it to the non-profit world.
Our Mission
Most non-profits concentrate on fund-raising versus issue-raising. We believe you need to create awareness about your mission through inspirational films, photography and story telling, draw fellow advocates to your cause, and then activate this community to participate, champion your cause and, yes, donate.
“People aren’t moved by fund-raising. People want to see where their dollars are going, to hear the tale of how their donations were utilized and changed lives. They want to see that film where bringing water to a village changes lives, to hear that young child in Nepal describe what it means for her village to get its first school. That’s what moves people, makes them advocates, and champions of your cause. ”
What We've Achieved in our careers
Our films for humanitarian causes were recognized by 15 film festivals.
Created the first PSA to ever hit YouTube's Top Ten Leaderboard.
Helped make the Ebola Worker Time Magazine's Person of the Year.
Brought Citibike to New York City and Miami. We designed everything from the bike, to the app, to the advertising.
Led the Dawn Saves Wildlife campaign creating seven award winning mini documentaries.
Helped create the viral film "Imagine a World Without Hate", for ADL that Mashable touted as One of the Top Ten Most Inspirational Films of the Year.
Helped create the "You Don't Need To Be Perfect, To Be The Perfect Parent" campaign for Adopt a Foster Child. 10 years and 50,000 adoptions later, the campaign is still running.
Led the award winning Boostup.org campaign to prevent high school dropouts
our pricing philosophy
While we are not a non-profit, we understand the financial issues facing our non-profit clients. As such, our company is structured with the limitations of our charity clients in mind. We work at cost for non-profits. To date, absolutely no income has gone to overhead, full-time salaries or rent. All fees pay for expenses on projects and replacing or buying photographic equipment. Because we shoot, direct and edit in house we are incredibly affordable. In terms of expenses, you are only transporting one member (not an entire production crew), our founder and filmmaker Rob Feakins. That means your expenses are minimal. And is one of the biggest reasons why companies have booked us to travel overseas. Our books are open and our fees are transparent. When we say we charge at cost for the job, we mean it. We are committed to helping charities, conservancies and environmental groups tell their stories. Finally, at the end of the year, a percentage of all income will be donated to a chosen charity. In 2023, we chose to donate 27% of our gross earnings to the following charities: Mercy Corps (an impactful global charity), the Nature Conservancy, Habitat for Humanity, the Connecticut Food Bank and Connecticut Institute for Refugees and Immigrants (CIRI).